📄️ Keepers
Keepers are entities that execute operations on the protocol that anyone can perform.
📄️ Design decisions
Numerous design decisions had to be made in creating Circuit protocol. These typically involve trade-offs between scalability, costs, code readability, and other factors. None of the trade-offs may negatively affect protocol security, which is a non-negotiabile requirement.
📄️ Approval Mods
Approval mods are mods that allow protocol coins whose puzzles are using these mods, referred to as approval coins, to approve certain actions within the protocol.
📄️ Statutes Operations Ordering
The Statutes singleton enforces a number of rules on the order in which operations can be performed.
📄️ Condition filtering
When performing an operation on the protocol, it is usually necessary to spend multiple protocol coins at once, and for these coins to communicate with each other to ensure that each of them is being spent in a specific way. The mechanism that Chia uses for this are conditions.
📄️ Inter-Coin Communication
The protocol consists of many different protocol coins. Most operations that users can perform on the protocol require multiple protocol coins, and sometimes additional non-protocol coins, to be spent together. For example, Statutes spends are required for the vast majority of operations in order to access the global state of the protocol.
📄️ Protocol Launch
Circuit protocol is launched by deploying Statutes, Oracle and Announcer Registry on-chain, and minting the CRT governance token. To function properly, the protocol also needs at least one Treasury coin. All other protocol coins can be launched independently. They are tied to the protocol by mututal coin or puzzle announcements and asserts and/or messages adhering to CHIP 25.