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BYC Tail

The BYC tail is a TAIL program that determines under what conditions Bytecash tokens may be issued or melted. The BYC tail does not allow for minting.


Puzzle operations are performed on: byc_tail.clsp

Approval mod operations:


Any issuance of BYC tokens requires the approval of a Collateral vault coin as Approval mod. The only way that BYC can be brought into circulation is by borrowing it from a Collateral vault.

Approval is enforced by a RECEIVE_MESSAGE condition in the tail that must have a matching SEND_MESSAGE from the corresponding Collateral vault coin. There are two Collateral vault operation that allow for issuing BYC tokens.

BYC tail operationApproval modOperationOperation program
issueCollateral vaultborrowvault_borrow.clsp
issueCollateral vaulttransfer Stability Feesvault_keeper_transfer_sf_to_treasury.clsp


Any melting of BYC tokens requires the approval of a Collateral vault coin as Approval mod. The only way that Bytecash can cease to exist is by repaying loans. When making a repayment, not the entire amount of BYC repaid may get melted, but only that part that gets allocated to the principal and Transferred Fees portion of the outstanding debt.

Approval is enforced by a RECEIVE_MESSAGE condition in the tail that must have a matching SEND_MESSAGE from the corresponding Collateral vault coin. There is one Collateral vault operation that allow for melting BYC tokens.

BYC tail operationApproval modOperationOperation program
meltCollateral vaultrepayvault_repay.clsp